M-002 Dual Channel Serial Injection with front cut - Analyst with ICC-CE


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Dual Channel Serial Injection with front cut
Application Type
Application ID
  High throughput where one column is regenerating while the other is performing analytical separation. An additional valve allows solvent front to be cut to waste.


This configuration allows the regeneration of one of the analytical columns while the other one is engaged - giving greater efficiency and higher throughput. This can be run directly from within Analyst using a custom Cycle (requires ICC-CE). With the addition of a selector valve, the solvent front can be cut to waste.

There are 2 pumps needed, one for the gradient run and another (higher flow rate and isocratic) for regeneration. This configuration requires a 6 port valve for sample loading and a 10 port valve for column switching.
Both valves must be controlled by the custom cycle. LEAP can not control the MS Selector valve as part of the cycle.

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