Agilent-LEAP system with A2Prep


Revision as of 19:53, 2 April 2009 by Bpeat (Talk | contribs)
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The Agilent-LEAP purification system consists of an Agilent 1200 prep LC system (pumps and detectors) controlling a CTC IFC fraction collector/Injector PAL. The IFC sample injection functions are handled within ChemStation using the standard CTC PAL driver. The fraction collection functions of the IFC are controlled using an additional add-on software package called “FractPAL”. FractPAL is a license software package from LEAP Technologies. This software must be installed separately after ChemStation has been installed. The software is launched automatically when ChemStation is started after both software packages are installed and configured correctly. The FractPAL software handles communications between ChemStation, the Collector PAL and the Agilent 1200 Automated Fraction Collector (AFC), which sends a signal whenever a fraction is to be collected. The IFC PAL The CTC Integrated Fraction Collector (IFC) is an autosampler and fraction collector. It is a Twin PAL mounted on a single horizontal beam. Both PALs have their own electronic boards and control panel along with separate i/o panels.

Significant Markets

  • Purification

Software Control

The Left PAL is the Collect PAL and runs on FractPAL Software from LEAP Technologies.

The Right PAL is the Inject PAL and runs under ChemStation Software control.


Useful links

Biodiesel Conference 2009 [1]

Other Reference material

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